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3146 viewsA nice 8-pointer hitting a scrape at night.
3577 viewsI ran out of bullets after wounding this buck. Luckily he died in his bed.
2579 viewsThe terrain was so steep my knees almost caved in as I went down one side of this box canyon and back up the other side.
2296 viewsI'm at 11,000 ft in Colorado. It's 14 degrees and it's early September.
3185 viewsMe and Jeff Morgan with Dad's "Brow Tine Buck" that he killed on Thanksgiving day.
2947 viewsDad killed "The Fighter" right after he heard two bucks fighting a short distance from his stand.
2423 viewsA nice archery killed coyote.
2249 viewsWe're standing in a meadow that the elk use quite a bit.
Last additions - User galleries |
Dad's big 8 11/4/123529 viewsFeb 01, 2013
11-pointer i killed on 11/17/124463 viewsFeb 01, 2013
4140 viewsNice 8-pointer I killed in late October 2011.Jan 30, 2013
Dad with his 11/11/11 11-pointer......3383 viewsJan 30, 2013
4231 viewsA good buck on a runway. Never did see him while hunting.Jan 10, 2010
4371 viewsA big doe on a runway. I expected her to have antlers when I saw the body in the frame.Jan 10, 2010
3630 viewsA nice 6-pointer in the same scrape.Jan 10, 2010
3445 viewsA doe in the same scrape.Jan 10, 2010