Random files - toddMead's Gallery |
2521 viewsI stand on a ridge where I once killed a good bull.
2369 viewsThis is the first bull I ever killed..........An unforgettable experience when he let a raging bugle rip at 15 yards.
3919 viewsDad with Rob Miner's 200 lb buck. This is the only 200lb deer that we have ever shot in the ADK's.
3833 viewsRob Miner killed this 9pt in a nasty snowstorm.
3176 viewsThis buck almost ran Dad over as it chased a doe past him at 11:30am.
2452 viewsA peaceful morning as the fog is still in the valley below.
3354 viewsDad caught up with this buck in an area that most people would have overlooked.
3344 viewsDad with a buck Miner killed.
Last additions - toddMead's Gallery |
Dad's big 8 11/4/123532 viewsFeb 01, 2013
11-pointer i killed on 11/17/124468 viewsFeb 01, 2013
4143 viewsNice 8-pointer I killed in late October 2011.Jan 30, 2013
Dad with his 11/11/11 11-pointer......3386 viewsJan 30, 2013
4233 viewsA good buck on a runway. Never did see him while hunting.Jan 10, 2010
4373 viewsA big doe on a runway. I expected her to have antlers when I saw the body in the frame.Jan 10, 2010
3633 viewsA nice 6-pointer in the same scrape.Jan 10, 2010
3446 viewsA doe in the same scrape.Jan 10, 2010