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3204 viewsThe "Grunter" chased a pile of does past me. This was the first time I heard the Buck Roar, which years later was marketed as a call.

3189 viewsMy uncle and cousin found someone's initials carved in a tree from 1951.

3186 viewsMe and Jeff Morgan with Dad's "Brow Tine Buck" that he killed on Thanksgiving day.

3182 viewsOur collection of bucks.

3176 viewsDad killed the "Blizzard Buck" during a massive snowstorm on Thanksgiving day.

3176 viewsThis buck almost ran Dad over as it chased a doe past him at 11:30am.

3147 viewsA nice 8-pointer hitting a scrape at night.

3139 viewsThe "Broken Leg Buck" had a 22 inch spread. Dad worked hard for this guy.

3105 viewsI hunted this buck hard before I finally outsmarted him.

3072 viewsOur tent camp in the early fall.

3065 viewsI loved fishing as a child. It taught me a lot about myself.

2959 viewsDad killed "The Broken Leg Buck" after winning a game of cat and mouse.