Most viewed - toddMead's Gallery |

3820 viewsDad killed the "Swamp Buck" at noon as it trailed a doe past him.

3762 viewsA wild morning ended when Rob Miner put this big 8pt on the ground.

3746 viewsRob Miner heading back to camp with a good 10pt.

3635 viewsA nice 6-pointer in the same scrape.

3589 viewsJeff Jenkins is back at camp with a buck he killed while hunting with us. This is the "Halloween Buck."

3577 viewsI ran out of bullets after wounding this buck. Luckily he died in his bed.

3568 viewsThis buck came to investigate as I cleared some leaves to sit on opening day. He had just made a handful of scrapes in the area.

3554 viewsRob Miner's nice 9pt waiting in the ADK Guide Boat waiting to head back to camp.

Dad's big 8 11/4/123534 views

3508 viewsOur tent camp with the woodstove burning inside.

3500 viewsHeaded back to camp.

3495 viewsA long drag in a brutal storm.