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Coppermine Photo Gallery - Top rated

Todd's Photo Gallery

My Collection of Photos

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2296 viewsI'm at 11,000 ft in Colorado. It's 14 degrees and it's early September.
(7 votes)
2556 viewsWe lost some sleep after a bad hit on this buck the night before finding him.
(7 votes)
Dad's big 8 11/4/123534 views
(13 votes)
3820 viewsDad killed the "Swamp Buck" at noon as it trailed a doe past him.
(10 votes)
3589 viewsJeff Jenkins is back at camp with a buck he killed while hunting with us. This is the "Halloween Buck."
(8 votes)
2451 viewsI gaze at the moon as I listen to bugling bulls in the background.
(5 votes)
3568 viewsThis buck came to investigate as I cleared some leaves to sit on opening day. He had just made a handful of scrapes in the area.
(5 votes)
3355 viewsDad caught up with this buck in an area that most people would have overlooked.
(5 votes)
3186 viewsMe and Jeff Morgan with Dad's "Brow Tine Buck" that he killed on Thanksgiving day.
(4 votes)
3245 viewsThis is like heaven on earth.
(12 votes)
2513 viewsA few years of studying the terrain enabled me to finally kill this 10-pointer in a place that most people would have overlooked.
(5 votes)
3176 viewsThis buck almost ran Dad over as it chased a doe past him at 11:30am.
(5 votes)
87 files on 8 page(s) 2